Black Friday into Cyber Moday Sale! Use code MABCYBER-2022 for 50% off all courses


Making A Brand â„¢ is an educational portal that provides an outlet for individuals to channel and transform their personal ideas into their own brands. Here at Making A Brand â„¢, we make sure that we are empowering our clientele by giving them the tools (like inside-industry information and advice from established individuals within various industries), which will allow them to transcend and surpass their competition. Our primary goal is to help and contribute to the success and growth of future aspiring entrepreneurs in order to facilitate the evolution of these businessmen and women into future moguls.

Currently, Making A Brand â„¢ features three courses that cover Digital Storytelling, The Cultivators and Fashion Design 101.

  • Digital Storytelling – Using technology to create digital experiences through a variety of tools and techniques that include VR/360-degree technology, and smartphone filmmaking
  • The Cultivators – Learn how to build a clothing line from legendary fashion icons. Course includes design, production, sourcing, sales, marketing and brand development
  • Fashion Design 101 – This course will walk you through the design, and creation of denim garments showing you the key steps needed to construct and sew these garments. Maurice will also discuss the basics of branding and marketing your designs.
These course offerings, as well as subsequent courses, are built on the following foundational principles:
  • Training modules developed to address the gap that exists between academia and industry
  • Equip learners with cutting-edge learning approaches
  • Learning platform taught by experienced industry insiders
  • Comprehensive community-learning environment,
  • Online access from any location
  • Tools for entrepreneurship and success
  • Continued education programs
  • No prerequisites, or additional educational requirements
  • Affordable learning platform created by experienced and industry vets