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Digital Storytelling means you are using technology to tell a story. It is like traditional storytelling, but in this case, we use technology to create digital experiences using a variety of tools and techniques.
Learn Digital Storytelling

Smartphone Filmmaking

Creating Short Films On Social Issues

Young people have the power to take control of their own lives and change the world. You can fashion your own solutions and you have ideas about how your life can get better. Our vision is to empower you to become creators of stories and messages that resonate on video and social media, so that you can become agents of change in your local community.

  •  This is about SOCIAL CHANGE.
  • This is about AWARENESS.
  • This is about Media Literacy and equipping young people with the tools to communicate more effectively in SOCIAL MEDIA. 

This storytelling course will provide you with tangible skills, tools, and resources that you can use to communicate issues that can help create social change in your community.

By the end of this project, you will be able to:

Learning Objectives:

  • Demonstrate key components of storytelling, including how to use videography, smartphones and social media to tell compelling and powerful stories.
  • Use learn to create short documentary films using smartphones.
  • Understand the role video and social media can play in advocacy for causes.
    Participate in a growing network of youth leaders and youth programs who use storytelling as a tool for advocacy and change.
  • Develop a simple action plan to use the skills, media and knowledge gained to help your community.
    Share ideas and media with the people and agencies that can create meaningful change in your community.
Cost $29
Location Based Storytelling

Location-Based Storytelling

Exploring Culture via Geolocation

The course features content from a partnership between the teams from the website The Music Origins Project and the film on the history of Detroit Techno God Said Give Em Drum Machines. Students will explore how the team from the film uses various digital storytelling techniques to tell stories about dance music culture in Detroit. The program challenges students to explore the landmarks and institutions from Radio Stations and Labels to Record Stores, that created Detroit Techno using VR/360-degree technology. We will also be providing students with an understanding of digital storytelling across mediums used in the film God Said Give Em Drum Machines. Learn more about the project on the page Detroit Techno 101.

This location-based storytelling course will provide you with tangible skills, tools, and resources that you can use to tell location-based stories across the mediums of film, maps, and social media.

By the end of this project, you will be able to:

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand how locations based stories can be told across a variety of platforms
  • Explain what Latitude and Longitude is and how these terms can help someone find their way to a location
  • Understand what GPS is and how it is used to find locations
  • Understand the x and y-axis on a coordinate plane
  • Understand what Google Street Views are and how maps help us in our day to day lives
  • Understand the need to preserve historic locations
  • Understand how Google maps can help businesses to be discovered by new patrons
  • Understand how geolocated storytelling can be used to add new dimensions to films and other media